Monday, March 7, 2011

Student Feedback

I thought I better take this opportunity of spending so much time with these wise teenagers to get some feedback on my teaching.  I gave out small cards with once sentence on each side.  Here are the results from the two classes today-- on the left of the slash is what each enjoyed and to the right is their advice for my future as a teacher.

The aspects of the lessons and teaching style that I found most useful and enjoyable were... / Here's what I thought could be improved in order to enhance my learning...

-your explanations and diagrams, good pace speaking / no quizzes
-nice legible writing on the board / reach for the stars
-your explanations and diagrams make good sense / drop the quizzes
-clearly and creative, saying the important points several times, explaining slowly
-very knowledgeable, always makes eye contact, lets everyone answer / needs to take more time going over lesson
-nice, we can ask questions freely, not a boring class / talk louder, write better on the board, explain things better
-everything / be louder and more clear, write more clearly
-cool teacher, good explanations / more confidence
-blueprints in the beginning of the lesson, nice introduction / sometimes messy handwriting, hard to read at times
-everything / too many mini quizzes, we've learned too many lessons in few days
-the examples and diagrams you gave, and the sheet you drew showing all the equations with waves / not too much, but real-life application examples of the physics you're teaching are always good
-explains well, nice, good blueprints / messy handwriting
-not tons of words, diagrams = good
-participativeness, you ask us lots of questions getting us to answer making us more alert / ask specific people not class as a whole
-optimistic, happy to teach, motivated / putting the sentences in notes in, more clear terms, hard to understand what you're trying to say
-when you took time to explain each question a student would have, I thought you were a great teacher despite the lack of experience, thank you for being so helpful when I asked for help during the dynamics lab / not much, you were great!
-demos (you should spend more time on them as a cooldown for classes) / you get flustered easily, be a little more casual with questions and deflect them towards the lesson as they will probably be answered eventually
-the many diagrams, the chart provided for wave unit, neat writing-easy to understand / too many arrows makes a diagram hard to see, preferably a slightly more organized structure for lesson plan because examples and the "main note" should be clearly separated, too much info at once, too fast as well
-your diagrams and practical applications shown while teaching were well done / talk louder and write neater
-very knowledgeable, good with explaining the math behind things / could improve explaining ideas, could be more interesting
-I (heart) miss kumar! she should teach physics here! she explains well, talks in a way I can understand
-the explanations and boardwork were very clear, a very nice teacher
-clarity, tone / slower
-positivity and overall presentation, patient and understanding / slow down and make sure class truly understands, more examples, please don't assume we understand or follow a certain step
-I liked your teaching style, your diagrams / talk louder, explain lesson in more depth
-knows what she is talking about and has a deep understanding of each lesson / I'm fine with the way you teach
-went over what would be taught first, a detailed lesson / don't second guess yourself

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