Friday, February 18, 2011

a simple harmony & transformations

this past week's physics topic: SHM, shhhhhhmmmm.... simple harmonic motion.
this past week's math topic: review of sine and cosine law, identities, the *ambiguous* case... transformations of trigonometric functions.

I had a long chat with my associate teacher in the work room on thursday.  Mid-way through what was turning out to be a good week of first classes, she made me believe in myself as a person and as a teacher (the latter, for the first time).  Something shifted, some inner resistance of mine broke down, and the last two classes of the day felt profoundly different- I relaxed into myself, the students felt it (I am sure) and we all enjoyed ourselves, as people in a room, being together, discussing, doing, learning.

Did I mention that I believe in angels?  (and angles, too.  unknown ones.... waiting to be figured out)

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